What did the Night Runner catch today? Click here for daily catch report and photos!
Click on any of the four photos above to get into the photo gallery!
Please feel free to Email Shawn your photos and we will put them on our web site so your family and friends can see your charter trip! EMAIL: Nightrunnersportfishing@gmail.com!
Sail Fish
Mahi Mahis
843 pound Marlin!
654 pound Marlin! Caught by Chris from Alaska!
Catch of the Day!
26 ONO 4 MAHI MAHI - Catch of the Day!
Congratulations to the HEDGE HOG HUNNIES on getting 4th place in the July 31st Wahine Tournament on the NIGHT RUNNER!
Catch of the Day,425 pound Marlin
Catch of the Day!
Ono caught at South Point!
Ono caugth at South Point!